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デルピエロ「友」Tシャツで日本支援 Thanks to the project “Ale10friendsforJapan”


サッカーの2002年W杯日韓大会などに出場した元イタリア代表FWアレッサンドロ・デルピエロ(ユベントス)が1日、イタリア・トリノで記者会見を行い、東日本大震災への支援としてTシャツの販売「Thanks to the project “Ale10friendsforJapan”」を行い、売上金を赤十字を通じて被災地に送ると発表した。







Solidarity can be also worn. Wearing it you can demonstrate the closeness to the population, our deepest sympathy to its pain, the will to stretch a helping hand to the one who is about to have a new start after the tragedy. I would like that all this can be shown on the shirt that from today onwards can be bought on the website ale10friendsforjapan.org that I opened to support this initiative.

However, the whole meaning of this project can be expressed in just one word: friends, or better to say the translation of the ideogram, that is composed on the Italian national flag and runs into the Japanese one. The logo “Ale10friendsforJapan” is a new initiative of an activity "SolidALE" that_by selling this shirt at a price of 15 euros + delivery charges - will help the Japanese Red Cross to carry on its extremely difficult work to help the population hit by the devastating earthquake on the 11th of March.

The Head of Japanese State Naoto Kan has announced that Japan is going through the worst period for this country since the after war time. These numbers, updated on the 30th of March clearly show the situation:

11.232 dead
16.361 missing
2.778 injured

Almost 19.000 of houses are completely destroyed and more than a million of buildings were damaged. Today 175 thousands people live in the reception camps. I believe that standing up for this case is just a must for all of us.

Some beautiful memories of my career are tied to Japan, thanks to my profession I came to know this wonderful country and its extraordinary people, that are already getting up again with pride, dignity and incredible determination. Let's not leave them alone, it takes just a little to offer some real help.

Thanks to the project “Ale10friendsforJapan” you can put the solidarity on: I already have the shirt on . Follow my example. And check out all the initiatives of “Ale10friendsforJapan” on www.alessandrodelpiero.com

Join this team and let's take the pitch: friends, together, for Japan.

Alessandro Del Piero

■Thanks to the project “Ale10friendsforJapan
■アレッサンドロ・デルピエロ「Alessandro Del Piero」

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