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世界初『PCの父』エド・ロバーツ氏が死去 マイクロソフト創業者二人も哀悼の意






ロバーツ氏は1974年に世界初の個人向けコンピュータと言われる「Altair 8800」を開発した人物。「Ed Roberts, creator of early PC, dies」1974年後半、世界初の個人向けコンピューターのキット『Altair 8800』が登場した。[Altair 8800は最新の『i8080』CPUを採用しながら、組み立てキットで397ドルという破格の安さと拡張性が評価され、最初の2〜3週間で 4000台を超える注文が殺到した。メモリは256バイト]
Microsoftを創設したビル・ゲイツ氏とポール・アレン氏にも大きな影響を与えた。両氏は雑誌でAltair 8800の記事を読んで、ロバーツ氏に同製品向けのソフトの開発を申し出たという。
Allen氏とGates氏はこのニュースに興奮したが、BASICを用いれば性能を向上させられると確信した。Altairを製造する米 MITS(Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems)社のEd Roberts社長に自分たちのアイディアを売り込み、昼夜を問わず開発に当たった。[Gates氏はMITS社に電話をかけ、実際には未だ何も作成していないBASICインタプリタについて「私は作成に成功した。購入してくれないか?」と鎌をかけた。その結果、返事が返ってきたため、同社がBASICの販売に関心があると見抜き、開発を開始。8 週間で完成させたが、BASICのブートローダの開発は、プレゼンに向かう飛行機の中で行なわれた]
Microsoft社はその後、人気のあった『Apple II』や米RadioShack社の『TRS-80』向けのBASICも開発した。
1979年、Microsoft社はアルバカーキからワシントン州ベルビューに移転。[1980年、IBM社からOSの開発を要請された際に、 Seattle Computer Products(SCP)社からCP/M互換OS『86-DOS(QDOS)』を5万6000ドルで手に入れ、これを原型にして『PC-DOS(MS- DOS)』を納入した。この価格については後にSCP社から訴えられ、100万ドルを支払うことで和解している。
Microsoft社は1981年に法人化した。その数週間後、米IBM社は、Microsoft社の16ビットのオペレーティング・システム (OS)『MS-DOS 1.0』を搭載したパーソナル・コンピューターを発売した。

 Microsoft founders lead tributes to 'father of the PC'
The "father of the personal computer" who kick-started the careers of Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen has died at the age of 68.

Dr Henry Edward Roberts was the inventor of the Altair 8800, a machine that sparked the home computer era.

Gates and Allen contacted Dr Roberts after seeing the machine on the front cover of a magazine and offered to write software for it.

The program was known as Altair-Basic, the foundation of Microsoft's business.

"Ed was willing to take a chance on us - two young guys interested in computers long before they were commonplace - and we have always been grateful to him," the Microsoft founders said in a statement.

"The day our first untested software worked on his Altair was the start of a lot of great things."

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak told technology website CNET that Dr Roberts had taken " a critically important step that led to everything we have today".

'Fond memories'

Dr Roberts was the founder of Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS), originally set up to sell electronics kits to model rocket hobbyists.

The company went on to sell electronic calculator kits, but was soon overshadowed by bigger firms.

In the mid-1970's, with the firm struggling with debt, Dr Roberts began to develop a computer kit for hobbyists.

The result was the Altair 8800, a machine operated by switches and with no display.

It took its name from the then-cutting edge Intel 8080 microprocessor.

The $395 kit (around £1,000 today) was featured on the cover of Popular Electronics in 1975, prompting a flurry of orders. It was also sold assembled for an additional $100 charge.

Amongst those interested in the machine were Paul Allen and Bill Gates.

The pair contacted Dr Roberts, offering to write software code that would help people program the machine.

The pair eventually moved to Albuquerque - the home of MITS - where they founded Micro-Soft, as it was then known, to develop their software: a variant of the Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (Basic).

"We will always have many fond memories of working with Ed in Albuquerque, in the MITS office right on Route 66 - where so many exciting things happened that none of us could have imagined back then," the pair said.

Dr Roberts sold his company in 1977.

He died in hospital on 1 April after a long bout of pneumonia.


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