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July 17, 2007 space

世界最速のおばあちゃん 75才がインターネット40Gbpsを利用する!


世界最速のおばあちゃんと言われるスウェーデン中心部の都市カルルスタードに住む75才のおばあちゃん、「Sigbritt, 75, has world's fastest broadband」が、世界最速と思われる40Gbpsのインターネット回線を個人で持っているそうです。しかも、企業として膨大な通信を行うためではなく、家庭用として個人でこの回線を引いているそうです。


 このおばあちゃんはスウェーデンのインターネット先導者Peter Lothbergの母で、名前はSigbritt Lothberg。Peterは超高速回線を使用したファイバーネットワークは費用効果が高いことを母に証明するために、この家庭で40Gbpsで通信できる環境を用意しました。
 以前まではパソコンすら持っていなかったおばあちゃんですが、今では1500のHDTV放送を同時に見ることができ、HD DVDを2秒でダウンロードできるとのこと。

Sigbritt, 75, has world's fastest broadband
A 75 year old woman from Karlstad in central Sweden has been thrust into the IT history books - with the world's fastest internet connection.

Sigbritt Löthberg's home has been supplied with a blistering 40 Gigabits per second connection, many thousands of times faster than the average residential link and the first time ever that a home user has experienced such a high speed.

But Sigbritt, who had never had a computer until now, is no ordinary 75 year old. She is the mother of Swedish internet legend Peter Löthberg who, along with Karlstad Stadsnät, the local council's network arm, has arranged the connection.

"This is more than just a demonstration," said network boss Hafsteinn Jonsson.

"As a network owner we're trying to persuade internet operators to invest in faster connections. And Peter Löthberg wanted to show how you can build a low price, high capacity line over long distances," he told The Local.

Sigbritt will now be able to enjoy 1,500 high definition HDTV channels simultaneously. Or, if there is nothing worth watching there, she will be able to download a full high definition DVD in just two seconds.

The secret behind Sigbritt's ultra-fast connection is a new modulation technique which allows data to be transferred directly between two routers up to 2,000 kilometres apart, with no intermediary transponders.

According to Karlstad Stadsnät the distance is, in theory, unlimited - there is no data loss as long as the fibre is in place.

"I want to show that there are other methods than the old fashioned ways such as copper wires and radio, which lack the possibilities that fibre has," said Peter Löthberg, who now works at Cisco.

Cisco contributed to the project but the point, said Hafsteinn Jonsson, is that fibre technology makes such high speed connections technically and commercially viable.

"The most difficult part of the whole project was installing Windows on Sigbritt's PC," said Jonsson.

 Sigbritt, 75, has world's fastest broadband

HOMENews BlogsBroadband | July 17, 2007 |  twitter Livedoor Buzzurl はてな Yahoo!ブックマーク人が登録

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